Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Meniere's Disease Treatment

It is an inner ear disorder that results in severe of vertigo, dizziness, nausea, ear pressure and tinnitus. It is a chronic condition and the patient often feels exhausted and frustrated.

A typical attack of Meniere's Disease may be preceded by ear pressure, (a feeling of fullness in the ears) or aching in one or both ears. Hearing fluctuation and loud tinnitus noises are also an indication of an attack.

A Meniere's Disease attack generally involves severe:

•    vertigo (head spinning and dizziness)
•    imbalance and loss of body balance
•    nausea and
•    vomiting

 Meniere's Disease attacks lasts for two to four hours. Most people find that they are extremely exhausted and must sleep for several hours.

Meniere's Disease Causes
The fluid-filled hearing and balance structures of the inner ear are not dependent on the body's overall fluid.  In a normal inner ear, this fluid is maintained at a constant volume and contains specific concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and other electrolytes. This fluid allows sensory cells to function normally. When injury occurs, independent control is lost, and the volume and concentration of the inner ear fluid fluctuate with changes in the body's fluid / blood.

Many substances in blood and other body fluids affect the inner ear fluid. For instance, when with high salt or sugar are consumed, the blood level concentration shows a significant increase in salt or sugar level and this, in turn, will affect the concentration of substances in the  inner ear.

This imbalance in the levels of trace elements in the fluid causes the feeling of fullness in the ears, hearing loss, and vertigo. Vertigo is often described as if the room is spinning. Hot and cold spells results when an attack of vertigo occurs.

Vertigo and Meniere's Disease
The vertigo spells and dizzy feeling which result are often caused by a condition known as Meniere's Disease. Many people experience the vertigo attacks in clusters, that is, several attacks within a short time.  The remedies for Meniere's Disease consist of two treatment that should be taken in conjunction with each other for a period of at least 12 weeks.

The first remedy is formulated to tackle the symptoms of nausea and vertigo experienced by and the other remedy is to tackle cochlea damage, which can relieve the tinnitus. In order to maintain the level of trace element in the inner ear, a special diet needs to be followed.

Some natural supplements
A natural chemical, derived from oil of the mustard seed known as Thiosinaminum is excellent to prevent noises in the ears.
Carboneum Sulphuratum which is Bisulphide of Carbon helps with impaired hearing.

Chininum Sulphuricum helps with noises such as buzzing, ringing, and roaring sounds that are loud enough to create an impaired hearing...

Pulsatilla Vulgaris - which belongs to the Buttercup family of flowers helps in diminishing acuteness of hearing, and relieves inflammation of Eustachian canal.

Cinchona Officinalis is an excellent reliever of sensitivity to noise in the ears. It is helpful with hearing problems.
Belladonna commonly known as deadly night-shade. It is helpful in treating giddiness, confusion, excitation, violent behavior, motion sickness and vertigo.
Calcarea Carbonica - Impure Calcium Carbonate is often used in homeopathy to treat symptoms of exhaustion, depression, and anxiety.

Dietary Goals for Meniere's Disease
The overall goal of the diet is to maintain body fluid/blood levels so that secondary fluctuations in inner ear fluid can be avoided.

•    Do not skip meals. If you eat snacks, have them at regular times.
•    Avoid taking in foods or fluids that have a high salt or sugar content. High salt or sugar intake in diet will create an imbalance in the inner ear fluid level.
•    Aim for a diet, high in fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and low in processed foods..
•    Consume more amount of fluid daily, which should include water, milk, and low-sugar fruit juices.
•    Coffee, tea, and soft drinks should be avoided.
•    Avoid caffeine-containing fluids and foods as it can worsen the condition.
•    Eliminate alcohol intake and cigarettes.
•    Avoid all medications containing aspirin and caffeine.
•    Low intake of sodium will prove beneficial in maintaining the overall functioning of the system.

Get more information for treatment of dieses click on    natural meniere's disease treatment | meniere's disease treatment

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