Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Natural cure for atrial fibrillation

The condition in which the upper portion of the heart doesn’t work properly and the pumping of blood does not happen in proper manner is called atrial fibrillation. Possibilities of stroke can rise if this is remained untreated when the blood clot occurs that could travel to the brain. Cases have been observed where patients having stroke from atrial fibrillation suffer from lifelong disabilities.

Natural treatment taking help of natural supplements should be under constant watch under proper physician. Some natural supplements are given here.

Fish oils can reduce arrhythmia. Also Fish roes are great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Also magnesium plays important role in reduction of the problem. The effectiveness of magnesium is compared to the placebo or anti arrhythmic drugs. Also it has no side effects. Magnesium can be helpful in rapid onset atrial fibrillation. Magnesium deficiency in the diet induces heart arrhythmic.
Vitamin C can be helpful in some cases. Intake of vitamin C orally cuts the risk of early recurrence after patients undergo electrical cardio version. Vitamin C also reduces low-level inflammation that accompanies this condition. Excess alcohol consumption should be avoided. Stimulants such as caffeine, herbal teas, coffee, and herbal supplements should be avoided and reduced.

Help can also be obtained by usage of some herbs given below.

Hawthorn is a genus of shrubs which is often found in Europe and Asia. The leaves, flowers and fruits are rich sources of procyanidins and flavonoids which are often used by herbalists to treat cardiac disorders. Hawthorn can be helpful in preventing arrhythmia with its effects on blood circulation and metabolic balance. Combination of Hawthorn with other heart medicines should be avoided strictly and should be taken under consultation of physician.

Olive Leaf
Olive leaf is a Mediterranean tree that produces the olive fruit. Herbalists use the leaves to treat hypertension and poor circulation. Olive leaf may be helpful in preventing arrhythmia by lowering blood pressure and preventing heart muscle spasms. Combination of olive leaf with other blood pressure medications should be avoided. 

Chinese Angelica
Chinese angelica is a biennial herb with greenish flowers found in Europe and Asia. It's used to nourish blood and promote circulation. It also increases the force of the heart's contractions, reduces blood pressure and smoothies heart rhythms. But it should be avoided by pregnant ladies and should be taken under consultation of a doctor.

1 comment:

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